7 Creative Summer Jobs for Uni Students

Posted by GradConnection NZ

Summer jobs are an excellent way to make the most of your time while creating incredible memories and building a portfolio of work experience. You’ll learn new skills, meet new people and make money to fund summer activities. Whether you choose casual, part-time or full-time work, it’s an excellent opportunity to put yourself out into the world. Benefits of summer work include making connections, expanding your network, and gaining confidence in yourself. A few fun summer jobs that are perfect for a university student are fruit picking, dog walking, volunteering at summer events and being a lifeguard. Many other positions fit the bill; you’ll have to find something that you think you will enjoy doing.

Fruit Picking

Fruit picking is the perfect summer job; you’ll get to meet new people, work outside in the sunshine, and you’ll get fit at the same time. Fruit picking is a physical job, but it’s calming, fun, and challenging; set yourself goals to achieve, and each day will fly by. You don’t need to have any previous work experience to land this job; this is perfect for people entering the workforce and looking to gain experience. Fruit picking exposes you to various people from different walks of life, from travellers to locals and other students like yourself. You may be required to relocate over the summer period if there are no positions available near you, this can seem daunting, but it allows you to explore other areas of New Zealand.

Dog Walker

What better way to spend your summer than dog walking? You’ll get paid for hanging out with dogs all day; if this isn’t a dream job, I don’t know what is. If you’re looking for a summer job that is rewarding and stress-free, this is the one for you. Take time to understand the needs of each dog and communicate with owners to make this experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible. Dog walking is an excellent form of exercise and will allow you to explore more of the countryside and excellent trails around New Zealand. A job like this is perfect for establishing your independence, as you will likely be working alone and managing yourself.


Spend the summer at the beach or the pool, and take on the responsibility of becoming a lifeguard; this job can be rewarding and is essential for keeping beachgoers and pool revellers safe in the water. If you want a job that helps people, this is a great place to start. Being a lifeguard will keep you fit and healthy, but you need to know how to swim to land this position. A few skills you will learn are communicating with co-workers and the public, assessing a situation, and increasing vigilance and safety. Being a lifeguard also provides a flexible schedule and is usually day work, which means you can still make plans for your evenings.

Uber Driver

We all catch Ubers, but have you ever considered being one? There are many perks in being an Uber driver; you’ll be able to set your hours over the summer period, meaning you can still have a social life and commit to plans. The flexibility and independence of being an Uber driver are very alluring; decide when you’d like to work and for how long you would like to work. You will get to meet a range of people, get out of your comfort zone, and you’ll be able to work on your communication skills.

Start your own business.

Starting your own business can seem daunting as a uni student; however, it can be as easy as setting up an Etsy account and selling your fare online. If you like the idea of working for yourself and reaping the benefits of your hard work with creative control, this is the job for you. Whether you have a hobby that you believe could make you money or you have an idea brewing in your brain, there’s nothing to lose by trying your hand at building an online business. Show the world your hand-crafted goodies from knitted jumpers to homemade candles, pottery to portraits – there’s a market for every hobby. If your business does well, you could always continue working on it after the summer season.


Bartending is an incredible job to have over the summer, the hours are flexible, and you’ll learn exciting skills and meet new people every day. Being a bartender is fun and exciting; every shift will be different to the one before, and the friendships you make will be genuine and long-lasting. Spend your summer discussing the tasting notes of wine, perfecting your cocktail skills and building relationships with regular customers and fellow employees. This job will push you out of your comfort zone, teach you how to handle busy environments and how to communicate; these skills are transferable and will help you land future jobs.

Volunteer at a music festival

Summer season means festival season, and these events are always looking for helping hands and volunteers; this is a great way to experience a festival without having to purchase a ticket. The atmosphere is fantastic and working in a high-energy environment is invigorating. You could be placed in many areas while working a festival, including checking tickets, supervising areas, or operating a water station. Volunteering for a festival will help you attain invaluable work experience in a fast-paced industry.

Having a summer job as a uni student is a great way to experience the workforce, make new friends, earn some cash and challenge yourself. You’ll learn new skills to build your character and expand your CV. Most importantly, enjoy yourself and learn as much as you can.

-  Shannel Milne, Nxtstep Content Writer


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